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The Fillmore Building and site is designed to be a multi-functional site and building for the local community to hold local events and to encourage interaction within the Georgetown neighbourhood.

            Inspiration will be pulled from the local Georgetown neighbourhood to ensure that the exterior and interior building is in keeping with that. Due to the combination of lines and shapes within a piece of art by Kandinsky, this piece will create the foundation to the exterior circulation routes for pedestrians. These inspirations will help build the circulation routes for the pedestrians connecting 34th street and 35th street as well as interior elements.

            Elements throughout the Fillmore Building are influenced from outside structures. Due to the building being used for educational and community purposes, concentration will be focused on the flexibility of rooms by providing these to become multi-purposeful. The concept behind this is to enable an open atmosphere to the community but also to give them a welcoming and practical space. The functional requirements of the building type like this requires elements such as a reception, a kitchen, versatile classrooms and restrooms. The first floor will be intended to be designed as the meeting and gathering floor where a universal kitchen, reception, communal office and communal lounge will be. The idea is for the reception to be designed to be welcoming for the community through the use of light, space and local information to give a community atmosphere. The concept behind the design second and third floors will be a combination of permanent classrooms as well as multi-functional ones where they could be converted into another area. Due to this, the idea is to have these floors, a space for community and educational presentations, for them to be held outside of the designated classroom areas.

            On the ground floor, in the large open space, the intent is to create an open and versatile environment to hold the local Farmer’s Market as well as congregate for a variety of local events and provide seating for the local neighbourhood.

            The intended materials, finishings and furniture around the building will be welcoming and comfortable for the community by the use of a neutral colour palette to contain the essence of a workplace, educational and community environment. The idea is to have dark laminate wood floor throughout the communal circulation spaces on the ground and first floors due to it being more durable and easy to maintain, however carpet will be used within the designated classroom spaces because it enables a sense of comfortability and relaxation. Though the intention is to have an open environment especially that on the ground and first floor, to create transitional spaces between these, the direction of the laminate floor will enable this feature without complicating it. 

Amy Scott

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